selection process

Burn out People

How to Recognize Someone Who Is “Burned Out or About to Burn Out”.

It’s astonishing to see how silently these types of profiles exist within organizations and even how few of them are aware that they are experiencing this and the impact their behavior has on their surroundings and, consequently, the impact the environment has on them as well.

Just by looking at a DISC report graph, my experience has also shown the close relationship between this type of profile and the way they are led in their environment. It coincides with the typical profile of an NP3 (a person with skill but little motivation) which are coincidentally characteristics of a person whose leader is either “overleading” or “underleading” them, both being equally detrimental. Depending on the graph they fall into (natural or adapted), it’s easier or more complicated to address, because it depends on which one they are in and how long they have been behaving in this manner. “Behavior is a function of the person based on their perception of the environment.”

In the report, you can see this when all the bars or dots are below the 50 line or the median line; if you see it in the adapted graph, it means it has been for a short time, but if you see it in the natural… OH GOD. They are in for a long coaching process if recoverable, or if they have reached the PNR (point of no return), they face an imminent period of transition or change. All this just by glancing at a DISC graph, without the need to read the entire DISC report. Anyway, on a behavioral level, the only way out of this, regardless of the direction the person is headed, is by leveraging one of the drives, rather, the only drive that can pull them out. They need to start seeing the situation as a challenge, focus on clear goals, need to achieve and resolve milestones that give them a slight boost of dopamine, empowerment, and pull them out of this situation of weariness and oblivion. I assume you understand that I’m referring to them enhancing their “D”. All this just by looking at a simple DISC chart. Truly a wonderful, enlightening, objective, and pragmatic tool.

By Juan Daniel Pérez
Gold Certified Behavioral Analyst by International DISC Institute

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